



Rapid synthesis and properties of segmented block copolymers based on monodisperse aromatic poly(N-methyl benzamide) and poly(propylene oxide) T. Mori, S. Masukawa, T. Kikkawa, A. Fujimori, A. Satoh, K. Matsumoto, M. Jikei,
Y. Oishi and Y. Shibasaki 2017 RSCAdvances 7, 33812-33821

Preparation and optical properties of polyimide films linked with porphyrinato Pd (II) and Pt (II) complexes through a triazine ring and application toward oxygen sensors Kimura, T., Watanabe, S., Sawada, S.-I.,
Shibasaki, Y., Oishi, Y. 2017 Journal of Polymer Science, Part A: Polymer Chemistry
55(6), pp. 1086-1094

High-Density Packing of Amorphous Polymer with Bulky Aromatic Rings in Interfacial Molecular Films Miura, S., Shidara, Y., Yunoki, T., Shibasaki, Y., Fujimori, A. 2017 Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics

2016 (4)

Water-soluble polyphenol synthesis via oxidative coupling polymerisation of β-arbutin with copper catalyst in alkaline media Hashimoto, M., Iwabuchi, S.,
Oishi, Y., Shibasaki, Y. 2016 European Polymer Journal
81, pp. 152-160

Synthesis of highly transparent poly(amide–imide)s based on trimellitic acid and dependence of thermal properties on monomer sequence Kobayashi, Y., Fujiwara, Y., Kitaoka, T., Oishi, Y., Shibasaki, Y. 2016 Reactive and Functional Polymers
108, pp. 78-85

Architecture-​controlled synthesis of redox-​degradable hyperbranched polyglycerol block copolymers and the structural implications of their degradation, Son, Suhyun; Park, Haeree; Shin, Eeseul;
Shibasaki, Yuji; Kim, Byeong-Su, Journal of Polymer Science, Part A: Polymer Chemistry (2016),

Synthesis of highly refractive and highly fluorescent rigid cyanuryl polyimines with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon pendants, T. Kotaki, N. Nishimura, M. Ozawa, A. Fujimori, H. Muraoka, S. Ogawa, T. Korenaga, E. Suzuki, Y. Oishi, and Y. Shibasaki, Polymer Chemistry (2016), 7, 1297-1308.

2015 (3)

Control of Fine Structure in "Polymer Nanosphere Multilayered Organization" and Enhancement of Its Optical Property, Fujimori, Atsuhiro; Kikkawa, Takahiro; Meng, Qi;
Shibasaki, Yuji, Langmuir (2015), 31(33), 9177-9187.

Synthesis of a A2B3-type Hyperbranched Copolymers Based on a 3-Armed Unimolecular 4-N-Methylbenzamide Pentamer and Poly(propylene oxide). Shinya Masukawa, Takahiro Kikkawa, Atsuhiro Fujimori, Yoshiyuki Oishi, and Yuji Shibasaki Chem. Lett. 2015, 44, 536–538

Fine structural analysis, formation of interfacial particle films, and accurate estimation of orientation in polyguanamine derivatives with a high refractive index, Fujimori, Atsuhiro; Miura, Shuntaro; Kikkawa, Takahiro;
Shibasaki, Yuji, Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics (2015), 53(14), 999-1009.

2014 (3)

Synthesis and the properties of an ABA type terpolymer based on poly(N-​substituted p-​benzamide) and polypropyleneglycol
Shibasaki, Yuji; Masukawa, Shinya; Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Fujimori, Atsuhiro 248th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, San Francisco, CA, United States, August 10-14, 2014 (2014), POLY-132.

Preparation of Polyimide-cellulose Composite Using Oligoimide with Ethynyl Terminals, Tomoya Shirata, Tatsuki Kon, Keiko Sasaki,
Yoshiyuki Oishi, and Yuji Shibasaki, Chemistry Letters, (2014), 43(6), 787-789.

Fabrication and structure of "polymer nanosphere multilayered organization", Fujimori, Atsuhiro; Kaneko, Yohei; Kikkawa, Takahiro; Chiba, Satoshi;
Shibasaki, Yuji, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (2014), 418, 338-349.

2013 (2)

Citation 22
One-Pot Synthesis of Linear-Hyperbranched Amphiphilic Block Copolymers Based on Polyglycerol Derivatives and Their Micelles Oikawa Yurie; Lee Sueun; Kim Do Hyung; Kang Dae Hwan; Kim Byeong-Su; Saito Kyohei; Sasaki Shigeko;
Oishi Yoshiyuki; Shibasaki Yuji Biomacromolecules (2013) 14, 2171-2178.

Synthesis of polyguanamines from 2-N,N-dibutylamino-4,6-dichloro-1,3,5-triazine with aromatic diamines Saito, Kyohei; Nishimura, Naoya; Sasaki, Shigeko;
Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Shibasaki, Yuji Reactive & Functional Polymers (2013), 73(5), 756-763.

2012 (7+1)
Characterization of morphology and mechanical properties of block copolymers using atomic force microscopy: Effects of processing conditions Wang, Dong; Nakajima, Ken; Fujinami, So;
Shibasaki, Yuji; Wang, Jun-Qiang; Nishi, Toshio Polymer (2012), 53(9), 1960-1965.

Development of thermally stable and photosensitive polymers Higashihara, Tomoya;
Shibasaki, Yuji; Ueda, Mitsuru Journal of Photopolymer Science and Technology (2012), 25(1), 9-16.

Effect of molecular weight distribution on the crystallinity and monolayer morphology of N-alkylated poly(p-benzamides) Yanagimachi, Yuta; Taguchi, Makoto; Chiba, Satoshi;
Shibasaki, Yuji; Fujimori, Atsuhiro Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan (2012), 37(2), 295-298.

Fabrication of highly order layered organization of polymer nanosphere Chiba, Satoshi; Shuntaro, Arai; Kaneko, Yohei; Taguchi, Makoto;
Shibasaki, Yuji; Fujimori, Atsuhiro Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan (2012), 37(2), 283-286.

High refractive coating materials using hyperbranched polymers Nishimura, Naoya;
Shibasaki, Yuji; Ozawa, Masaaki; Oishi, Yoshiyuki Journal of Photopolymer Science and Technology (2012), 25(3), 355-358.

Citation 72
Hyperbranched double hydrophilic block copolymer micelles of poly(ethylene oxide) and polyglycerol for pH-responsive drug delivery Lee Sueun; Saito Kyohei; Lee Hye-Ra; Lee Min Jae;
Shibasaki Yuji; Oishi Yoshiyuki; Kim Byeong-Su Biomacromolecules (2012), 13(4), 1190-6.

Synthesis of photobase generators based on proazaphosphatrane - tetraarylborate complex for i-line photopatterning
Shibasaki, Yuji; Sato, Junichi; Oishi, Yoshiyuki Journal of Photopolymer Science and Technology (2012), 25(4), 497-499.

Triazine ring-containing polymer with good heat resistance, transparency and solubility
Shibasaki, Yuji; Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Nishimura, Naoya PCT Int. Appl. (2012), WO 2012029617 A1 20120308.

2011 (3+4)

Chemoselective Polycondensation of 2-Amino-4,6-dichloro-1,3,5-triazine with AromaticDiamines,
Yuji Shibasaki,* Takanori Koizumi, Naoya Nishimura, and Yoshiyuki Oishi Chemistry Letters (2011), 40(10), 1132-1134.

Formation mechanism and functionality of multi-particle layers of aromatic polyamides Chiba, Satoshi; Abe, Yoko;
Shibasaki, Yuji; Fujimori, Atsuhiro Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan (2011), 36(2), 145-148.

Polymers from phenol derivatives and their properties,
Shibasaki, Yuji Seikei Kako (2011), 23(9), 537-542.

*Polyimide films and polyimide-metal laminates and their manufacture Kohama, Shin-Ichiro; Hisano, Nobuharu; Yamaguchi, Hiroaki;
Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Miura, Toru; Yokozawa, Tadahiro; Kohda, Masafumi; Ooishi, Kousuke PCT Int. Appl. (2011), WO 2011099555 A1 20110818

* Aromatic diamine compounds, their manufacture, and aromatic polyimides therefrom
Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Shibazaki, Yuji; Sato, Hitoshi Jpn. Kokai Tokkyo Koho (2011), JP 2011102259 A 20110526

* Triazine ring-containing polymerizable monomers and their polymer compositions with good heat resistance and high refractive index
Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Osawa, Kenichi Jpn. Kokai Tokkyo Koho (2011), JP 2011038015 A 20110224

* Triazine ring-containing polymer electrolytes, their manufacture, fuel cell electrolyte membranes and catalyst layers containing them, membrane-electrolyte assemblies, and polymer electrolyte fuel cells Hayano, Tetsuji;
Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Shibazaki, Yuji Jpn. Kokai Tokkyo Koho (2011), JP 2011037952 A 20110224

2010 (6+5)
Highly Refractive Poly(phenylene thioether) Containing Triazine Unit You, Nam-Ho; Higashihara, Tomoya;
Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Ando, Shinji; Ueda, Mitsuru Macromolecules (Washington, DC, United States) (2010), 43(10), 4613-4615

Material dependence in direct adhesion of halogen-containing rubber to resins during curing using molecular adhesives Hirahara, Hidetoshi; Mori, Katsuhito; Matsuno, Yusuke; Kudo, Takahiro; Narita, Eiichi;
Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Mori, Kunio Nippon Gomu Kyokaishi (2010), 83(12), 383-389

Surface morphology and molecular arrangement of organized films of poly-(N-alkylated benzamides) containing various chain lengths Sato, Natski; Chiba, Satoshi; Abe, Yoko;
Shibasaki, Yuji; Fujimori, Atsuhiro Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan (2010), 35(2), 315-318

Solid-state structure and formation of organized molecular films for poly-(N-alkylated benzamides) containing various chain lengths Chiba, Satoshi; Sato, Natski; Abe, Yoko;
Shibasaki, Yuji; Fujimori, Atsuhiro Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan (2010), 35(2), 307-310

Surface Morphological Changes in Monolayers of Aromatic Polyamides Containing Various N-Alkyl Side Chains. Fujimori, Atsuhiro; Chiba, Satoshi; Sato, Natsuki; Abe, Yoko;
Shibasaki, Yuji, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, (2010), 114(5) 1822-1835.

Direct condensation polymerization of N-alkylated p-aminobenzoic acid and packing of rigid-rod main chains with flexible side chains. Yuji Shibasaki, Yoko Abe, Natuki Sato, Atsuhiro Fujimori, 
Yoshiyuki Oishi, Polymer Journal (2010),  42(1), 72-80.

* Imide ring-containing cyanate esters and their cured products with superior high heat resistance Tsufuku, Akira;
Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Shibazaki, Yuji; Shima, Yoshikazu; Katagiri, Shigeyuki; Tsujimoto, Tomoo Jpn. Kokai Tokkyo Koho (2010), JP 2010180147 A 20100819

* Direct adhesion of EPDM to aluminum plate during peroxide curing using molecular adhesives Matsuno, Yusuke; Kudo, Takahiro; Niwa, Ako; Hirahara, Hidetoshi; Narita, Eiichi;
Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Mori, Kunio Nippon Gomu Kyokaishi (2010), 83(4), 89-94

*Polyimides with good adhesion to metals, their manufacture, and curl-resistant metal laminates therewith
Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Xu, Jian Wei; Hayashi, Masazoe Jpn. Kokai Tokkyo Koho (2010), JP 2010031102 A 20100212

*Polyphenylene ether copolymer and manufacturing method therefor
Shibasaki, Yuji; Suzuki, Eiichi; Oishi, Yoshiyuki PCT Int. Appl. (2010), WO 2010119885 A1 20101021

*Polyphenylene ether copolymer and manufacturing method therefor
Shibasaki, Yuji; Suzuki, Eiichi; Oishi, Yoshiyuki Jpn. Kokai Tokkyo Koho (2010), JP 2010248414 A 20101104.

2009 (3+4)
Oxidative coupling copolycondensation of 2,6-dimethylphenol with 2,5-dimethylphenol: highly thermostable poly(phenylene ether).Yuji Shibasaki, Kenta Hoshi, Eiichi Suzuki, Yutaka Shiraishi, Yasumasa Norisue, and Yoshiyuki Oishi, Polymer Journal (2009), 41(12), 1136-1143.

Crosslinked, glassy styrenic surfactants stabilize quantum dots against environmental extremes. Shibasaki, Yuji; Kim, Byeong-Su; Young, Alexi J.; McLoon, Anna L.; Ekker, Stephen C.; Taton, T. Andrew  Journal of Materials Chemistry (2009), 19(35), 6324-6327.

Biphasic polycondensation of 4-bromo-2,6-dimethylphenol using silica gel as a promoter.  Shibasaki, Yuji; Takahashi, Maiko; Tanaka, Manabu; Kondo, N Junko; Oishi, Yoshiyuki .   Polymer Journal (2009), 41(1), 63-68.

*Fuel cell electrolyte membranes employing triazine ring-containing polyimide-based electrolytes.  Kuromatsu, Hidehisa; Oishi, Yoshiyuki Jpn. Kokai Tokkyo Koho (2009), JP 2009087763 A 20090423.

* Terminal-modified imide oligomers and their varnishes, cured articles, and high-modulus cured films Ishida, Yuichi; Ogasawara, Toshio;
Oishi, Yoshiyuki Jpn. Kokai Tokkyo Koho (2009), JP 2009263570 A 20091112

*Alicyclic group- and perfluorocyclobutyl ether moiety-containing polymers, their monomers, and transparent materials therefrom Ishii, Hirohisa;
Oishi, Yoshiyuki Jpn. Kokai Tokkyo Koho (2009), JP 2009249487 A 20091029

*Fuel cell electrolyte membranes employing triazine ring-containing polyimide-based electrolytes Kuromatsu, Hidehisa;
Oishi, Yoshiyuki Jpn. Kokai Tokkyo Koho (2009), JP 2009087763 A 20090423

2008 (10+2)
Production of continuous open cell elastomer sheets Watanabe, Yoichiro; Hirahara, Hidetoshi; Nemoto, Masashi; Takagi, Kazuhisa; Mori, Katsuhito; Narita, Eiichi; Oishi, Yoshiyuki Nippon Gomu Kyokaishi (2008), 81(8), 317-322

Homogeneous chemical functionalization of the mesoporous silica interior and the utilization as the polymerization sites.
Shibasaki, Yuji ; Kondo, N Junko. Yuki-gosei-kagaku-kyokai-shi (2008), 66(12) 1187-1198.

ABS resin plating of sexivalent chrome etching-free.  Abe, Shiro; Kudo, Takahiro; Oishi, Yoshiyuki ; Mori, Kunio.  Kobunshi Ronbunshu  (2008),  65(4),  283-287.

Direct adhesion of silicone rubber to resins during peroxide curing using molecular adhesive.  [Abstract]   Takagi, Kazuhisa; Hirahara, Hidetoshi; Mori, Katsuhito; Narita, Eiichi; Oishi, Yoshiyuki ; Mori, Kunio.   Nippon Gomu Kyokaishi  (2008),  81(1),  8-11.

Efficient oxidative coupling polymerization for synthesis of thermosetting poly(phenylene ether) copolymer with a low dielectric loss.  Nunoshige, Jun; Akahoshi, Haruo; Shibasaki, Yuji ; Ueda, Mitsuru.   Journal of Polymer Science, Part A: Polymer Chemistry  (2008),  46(15),  5278-5282.

Synthesis of highly refractive and transparent polyimides derived from 4,4'-[p-sulfonylbis(phenylene sulfanyl)]diphthalicd anhydride and various sulfur-containing aromatic diamines. Suzuki, Yasuo; Liu, Jin-gang; Nakamura, Yasuhiro; Shibasaki, Yuji ; Ando, Shinji; Ueda, Mitsuru.    Polymer Journal (Tokyo, Japan)  (2008),  40(5),  414-420.

Synthesis and thermal properties of polythioetherimides derived from 4,4'-[p-thiobis(phenylenesulfanyl)] diphthalic anhydride and various aromatic diamines.   Liu, Jin-Gang; Shibasaki, Yuji ; Ando, Shinji; Ueda, Mitsuru.   High Performance Polymers  (2008),  20(2),  221-237.

Citation 88
Synthesis and properties of highly refractive polyimides derived from fluore
ne-bridged sulfur-containing dianhydrides and diamines.  Terraza, Claudio A.; Liu, Jin-Gang; Nakamura, Yasuhiro; Shibasaki, Yuji ; Ando, Shinji; Ueda, Mitsuru. Journal of Polymer Science, Part A: Polymer Chemistry (2008), 46(4), 1510-1520.

Citation 46
Highly refractive polyimides derived from 2,8-bis(p-aminophenylenesulfanyl)dibenzothiophene and aromatic dianhydrides.    Liu, Jin-Gang; Nakamura, Yasuhiro; Terraza, Claudio A.; Shibasaki, Yuji ; Ando, Shinji; Ueda, Mitsuru.  Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics  (2008),  209(2),  195-203.

Citation 131
Optically Transparent Sulfur-Containing Polyimide-TiO2 Nanocomposite Films with High Refractive Index and Negative Pattern Formation from Poly(amic acid)-TiO2 Nanocomposite Film.     Liu, Jin-gang; Nakamura, Yasuhiro; Ogura, Tomohito; Shibasaki, Yuji ; Ando, Shinji; Ueda, Mitsuru.     Chemistry of Materials  (2008),  20(1),  273-281.

*Polyesters having adamantane structures with good moldability, their transparent materials, coating solutions, and their uses.   Oishi, Yoshiyuki ; Ishii, Hirohisa.  (Idemitsu Kosan Co., Ltd., Japan; Iwate University).    Jpn. Kokai Tokkyo Koho  (2008),     13pp.  CODEN: JKXXAF  JP  2008184503  A  20080814  Patent  written in Japanese.    Application: JP  2007-17615  20070129.

*Heat-resistant modified amic acid silyl ester oligomers, varnishes containing them, their manufacture, their cured materials, and modified imide oligomers manufactured from them.   Ishida, Yuichi; Ogasawara, Toshio;
Oishi, Yoshiyuki .  (National Aerospace Laboratory, Japan; Iwate University).    Jpn. Kokai Tokkyo Koho  (2008),     19pp.  CODEN: JKXXAF  JP  2008001791  A  20080110  Patent  written in Japanese.    Application: JP  2006-172285  20060622.

2007 (30)
Oriented vapor-grown carbon fiber/polymer composite film by magnetic field and their electric conductive properties.      Ookubo, Takahiro; Awano, Hiroshi; Takahashi, Tatsuhiro; Yonetake, Koichiro; Oishi, Yoshiyuki .    Kobunshi Ronbunshu  (2007),  64(11),  727-734.

Environmental stability of rubber/galvanized-steel direct bonding system.      Shioyama, Tsutomu; Mori, Kunio;
Oishi, Yoshiyuki ; Hirahara, Hidetoshi; Narita, Eiichi.  Nippon Gomu Kyokaishi  (2007),  80(9),  325-330.

Function of resin components in the direct adhesion of SBR to zinc during curing with an HRH adhesion system.      Shioyama, Tsutomu; Mori, Kunio; Oishi, Yoshiyuki ; Hirahara, Hidetoshi; Narita, Eiichi.    Nippon Gomu Kyokaishi  (2007),  80(3),  77-82.

Magnetic field effects on the polymerization of 6-N,N-dioctylamino-1,3,5-triazine-2,4-dithiol.      Wang, Fang; Mori, Kunio; Kang, Zhixin; Oishi, Yoshiyuki .   Heteroatom Chemistry  (2007),  18(1),  60-64.

Synthesis of aromatic polyamides by direct polycondensation using a triazine-based activating agent.      Kudo, Takahiro; Oishi, Yoshiyuki ; Oravec, Jan; Mori, Kunio.  Kobunshi Ronbunshu  (2007),  64(4),  231-236.

Citation 76
Synthesis and characterization of highly refractive polyimides from 4,4'-thiobis[(p-phenylenesulfanyl) aniline] and various aromatic tetracarboxylic dianhydrides.    Liu, Jin-Gang; Nakamura, Yasuhiro; Shibasaki, Yuji ; Ando, Shinji; Ueda, Mitsuru.  Journal of Polymer Science, Part A: Polymer Chemistry  (2007),  45(23),  5606-5617.

Regio-controlled oxidative polymerization of 2,5-dimethylphenol by using CuCl-TMEDA complex.      Suzuki, Yasuo; Shibasaki, Yuji ; Ueda, Mitsuru.  Chemistry Letters  (2007),  36(10),  1234-1235.

Oxidative coupling polymerization of phenol derivatives catalyzed with copper-amine complexes immobilized within mesoporous interiors.  Shibasaki, Yuji .  Kobunshi Ronbunshu  (2007),  64(8),  475-485.

Citation 73
Highly Refractive and Transparent Polyimides Derived from 4,4'-[m-Sulfonylbis(phenylenesulfanyl)] diphthalic Anhydride and Various Sulfur-Containing Aromatic Diamines.   Liu, Jin-gang; Nakamura, Yasuhiro; Suzuki, Yasuo; Shibasaki, Yuji ; Ando, Shinji; Ueda, Mitsuru.    Macromolecules (Washington, DC, United States)  (2007),  40(22),  7902-7909.

Mechanical and dielectric properties of a new polymer blend composed of 1,2-bis(vinylphenyl)ethane and thermosetting poly(phenylene ether) copolymer obtained from 2,6-dimethylphenol and 2-allyl-6-methylphenol.     Nunoshige, Jun; Akahoshi, Haruo; Liao, Yonggui; Horiuchi, Shin; Shibasaki, Yuji ; Ueda, Mitsuru. Polymer Journal (Tokyo, Japan)  (2007),  39(8),  828-833.

Synthesis of poly(N-fluoroalkyl benzamide) with controlled molecular weight and polydispersity index.      Ohshimizu, Kaoru; Shibasaki, Yuji ; Ueda, Mitsuru. Polymer Journal (Tokyo, Japan)  (2007),  39(8),  777-782.

Synthesis and properties of sulfonated poly(2,5-diphenethoxy-p-phenylene).      Nakabayashi, Kazuhiro; Matsumoto, Kazuya; Shibasaki, Yuji ; Ueda, Mitsuru.    Polymer  (2007),  48(20),  5878-5883.

Citation 55
Synthesis and characterization of high refractive index polyimides derived from 4,4'-(p-phenylenedisulfanyl) dianiline and various aromatic tetracarboxylic dianhydrides.    Liu, Jin-gang; Nakamura, Yasuhiro; Shibasaki, Yuji ; Ando, Shinji; Ueda, Mitsuru.  Polymer Journal (Tokyo, Japan)  (2007),  39(6),  543-550.

High refractive index sulfur-containing polyacrylates with high Abbe numbers.      Okutsu, Rie; Shibasaki, Yuji ; Ueda, Mitsuru.  Polymer Preprints (American Chemical Society, Division of Polymer Chemistry)  (2007),  48(2),  336-337.

Facile synthesis of tadpole-shaped dendrimers based on aromatic polyamides.      Washio, Isao; Ito, Yumiko; Shibasaki, Yuji ; Ueda, Mitsuru. Polymer Preprints (American Chemical Society, Division of Polymer Chemistry)  (2007),  48(2),  334-335.

Synthesis and properties of sulfonated poly(phenylene).     Nakabayashi, Kazuhiro; Shibasaki, Yuji ; Ueda, Mitsuru.   Polymer Preprints (American Chemical Society, Division of Polymer Chemistry)  (2007),  48(2),  332-333.

Novel synthetic method of thermosetting poly(phenylene ether) in water droplets/toluene-heterogeneous system.      Nunoshige, Jun; Shibasaki, Yuji ; Ueda, Mitsuru.  Polymer Preprints (American Chemical Society, Division of Polymer Chemistry)  (2007),  48(2),  225-226.

A negative-type photosensitive polymer based on poly(2,6-dimethyl-1,4-phenylene ether), a cross-linker and a photoacid generator.      Mizoguchi, Katsuhisa; Tsuchiya, Kousuke; Shibasaki, Yuji ; Ueda, Mitsuru. Journal of Photopolymer Science and Technology  (2007),  20(2),  187-188.

Development of negative-type photosensitive semi-alicyclic polyimide using a photobase generator.      Mizouti, Katsuhisa; Shibasaki, Yuji; Ueda, Mitsuru.  Journal of Photopolymer Science and Technology  (2007),  20(2),  181-186.

A negative type photosensitive polymer based on poly(naphthylene ether), a cross-linker, and a photoacid generator with low dielectric constant.      Tsuchiya, Kousuke; Shibasaki, Yuji; Ueda, Mitsuru.    Polymer Journal (Tokyo, Japan)  (2007),  39(5),  442-447.

Copper-Catalyzed Regio-Controlled Oxidative Coupling Polymerization of 2,5-Dimethylphenol.      Shibasaki, Yuji; Suzuki, Yasuo; Ueda, Mitsuru.  Macromolecules (Washington, DC, United States)  (2007),  40(15),  5322-5325.

Synthesis and characterization of aromatic block copolyamides by condensative chain polymerization.      Ohshimizu, Kaoru; Shibasaki, Yuji; Komura, Motonori; Nakajima, Ken; Ueda, Mitsuru.   Chemistry Letters  (2007),  36(6),  742-743.

Citation 94
High refractive index polyimides derived from 2,7-bis(4-aminophenylenesulfanyl)thianthrene and aromatic dianhydrides.      Liu, Jin-gang; Nakamura, Yasuhiro; Shibasaki, Yuji; Ando, Shinji; Ueda, Mitsuru.    Macromolecules (Washington, DC, United States)  (2007),  40(13),  4614-4620.

Photosensitive poly(benzoxazole) based on poly(o-hydroxy amide), dissolution inhibitor, thermoacid generator, and photoacid generator.      Ogura, Tomohito; Yamaguchi, Ko-ta; Shibasaki, Yuji; Ueda, Mitsuru.   Polymer Journal (Tokyo, Japan)  (2007),  39(3),  245-251.

Condensative block copolymers with controlled molecular weights and their phase separation.      Ohshimizu, Kaoru; Shibasaki, Yuji; Ueda, Mitsuru. Polymer Preprints (American Chemical Society, Division of Polymer Chemistry)  (2007),  48(1),  371-372.

Catalytic regio-controlled oxidative coupling polymerization of 2,5-dimethylphenol.      Suzuki, Yasuo; Shibasaki, Yuji; Ueda, Mitsuru.  Polymer Preprints (American Chemical Society, Division of Polymer Chemistry)  (2007),  48(1),  356-357.

Highly transparent photosensitive polybenzoxazole: poly(o-hydroxyamide) derived from 4,4'-(hexafluoroisopropylidene)bis(o-aminophenol) and o-substituted dicarboxylic acid chlorides.      Shibasaki, Yuji; Toyokawa, Fumihiro; Ando, Shinji; Ueda, Mitsuru.  Polymer Journal (Tokyo, Japan)  (2007),  39(1),  81-89.

Facile Synthesis of Amine-Terminated Aromatic Polyamide Dendrimers via a Divergent Method.      Washio, Isao; Shibasaki, Yuji; Ueda, Mitsuru.   Organic Letters  (2007),  9(7),  1363-1366.

Low dielectric loss copolymer obtained from 2,6-dimethylphenol and 2-allyl-6-methylphenol via Cu-catalyzed oxidative coupling polymerization.      Nunoshige, Jun; Akahoshi, Haruo; Shibasaki, Yuji; Ueda, Mitsuru.    Chemistry Letters  (2007),  36(2),  238-239.

Glassy, block-copolymer surfactants as in vivo and in vitro nanoparticle stabilizers.     Taton, T. Andrew; Shibasaki, Yuji; Kim, Byeong-Su; Young, Alexi J.; Chen, Ying; Zuo, Chao.    Department of Chemistry,  University of Minnesota,  Minneapolis,  MN,  USA.    PMSE Preprints  (2007),  97  318. 

2006 (10+1)
Synthesis and properties of fluorine-containing polybenzoxazoles by In situ silylation method.      Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Konno, Akihiro; Oravec, Jan; Mori, Kunio.  Journal of Photopolymer Science and Technology  (2006),  19(5),  669-672.

Electrochemical polymerization of 6-(N-allyl-1,1,2,2-tetrahydroperfluorodecyl)amino-1,3,5-triazine-2,4-dithiol monosodium on aluminum.      Wang, Fang; Mori, Kunio; Oishi, Yoshiyuki.  Polymer Journal (Tokyo, Japan)  (2006),  38(5),  484-489.

Magnetic processing of polymer composite films including vapor phase-grown carbon fibers.      Ookubo, Takahiro; Takahashi, Tatsuhiro; Awano, Hiroshi; Yonetake, Koichiro; Oishi, Yoshiyuki.  Tanso  (2006),  223  169-175.

Oxidative coupling polymerization of substituted phenols with a copper amine catalyst immobilized within mesoporous silica.      Shibasaki, Yuji; Nakamura, Masahiro; Kondo, Junko N.; Ueda, Mitsuru.    Macromolecular Symposia  (2006),  245/246(World Polymer Congress--MACRO 2006),  87-92.

Synthesis of novel poly[(1,3-adamantyl)bis(2-naphthol)] with low dielectric constant.      Matsumoto, Kazuya; Shibasaki, Yuji; Ando, Shinji; Ueda, Mitsuru.    Polymer  (2006),  47(9),  3043-3048.

Citation 38
Synthesis of a Novel Poly(binaphthylene ether) Containing Trifluoromethyl Groups with a Low Dielectric Constant.      Tsuchiya, Kousuke; Shibasaki, Yuji; Aoyagi, Masahiro; Ueda, Mitsuru.   Macromolecules  (2006),  39(11),  3964-3966.

Citation 26
Facile Synthesis of Aryl Ether Dendrimer from Unprotected AB2 Building Blocks Using Thionyl Chloride as an Activating Agent.      Yamazaki, Natsuko; Washio, Isao; Shibasaki, Yuji; Ueda, Mitsuru.    Organic Letters  (2006),  8(11),  2321-2324.

Citation 32
Direct patterning of poly(amic acid) and low-temperature imidization using a photo-base generator.      Fukukawa, Ken-ichi; Shibasaki, Yuji; Ueda, Mitsuru. Polymers for Advanced Technologies  (2006),  17(2),  131-136.

Synthesis and characterization of novel low-k polyimides from aromatic dianhydrides and aromatic diamine containing phenylene ether and perfluorobiphenyl units.      Watanabe, Yasufumi; Shibasaki, Yuji; Ando, Shinji; Ueda, Mitsuru.     Polymer Journal (Tokyo, Japan)  (2006),  38(1),  79-84.

Facile synthesis of aryl ether dendrimer from unprotected AB2 building blocks using thionyl chloride as an activating agent.     Yamazaki Natsuko; Washio Isao; Shibasaki Yuji; Ueda Mitsuru      Organic letters  (2006),  8(11),  2321-4.

*Fluorine-containing polyimide resins, their manufacture, primers, and application of the same.      Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Sato, Hitoshi Minoru; Kitaoka, Shinsuke.  (Nippon Fusso Co., Ltd., Japan; Iwate University).    Jpn. Kokai Tokkyo Koho  (2006),     29pp.  CODEN: JKXXAF  JP  2006307112  A  20061109  Patent  written in Japanese.    Application: JP  2005-134400  20050502.

2005 (25)
Effect of 6-dioctylamino-1,3,5-triazine-2,4-dithiol concentration on the polymer plating on iron plates.      Mori, Kunio; Kang, ZhiXin; Oishi, Yoshiyuki.      Polymer Journal (Tokyo, Japan)  (2005),  37(11),  862-865.

Synthesis and properties of aromatic polyimides containing perfluoroalkenyl groups.      Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Yoshida, Naoko; Mori, Kunio.    Journal of Photopolymer Science and Technology  (2005),  18(2),  341-344.

Preparation and characterization of organic thin films on substrates and self-supporting films by RF sputtering of polyimide films.      Ren, Yue; Baba, Mamoru; Oishi, Yoshiyuki.      Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Part 1: Regular Papers, Short Notes & Review Papers  (2005),  44(4A),  1987-1990.

Magnetic processing of polymer composite films including carbon fibers.      Ookubo, Takahiro; Takahashi, Tatsuhiro; Oh, Yong-Joo; Awano, Hiroshi; Yonetake, Koichiro; Oishi, Yoshiyuki.   Tanso  (2005),  217  104-110.

Precise control in polycondensation.      Shibasaki, Yuji.    Editor(s): Naga, Naofumi.    Novel Strategies for Fundamental Innovation in Polymer Science  (2005),     19-38.

Thermo-base generator for low temperature solid-phase imidation of poly(amic acid).      Fukukawa, Ken-ichi; Ogura, Tomohito; Shibasaki, Yuji; Ueda, Mitsuru.      Chemistry Letters  (2005),  34(10),  1372-1373.

Oxidative coupling polymerization of o-cresol with a copper-amine catalyst immobilized within the interior of SBA-15.      Nakamura, Masahiro; Shibasaki, Yuji; Kondo, Junko N.; Ueda, Mitsuru.   Polymer Preprints (American Chemical Society, Division of Polymer Chemistry)  (2005),  46(2),  959-960.

Citation 25
Control of molecular weight distribution in polycondensation polymers 2. Poly(ether ketone) synthesis.      Shibasaki, Yuji; Araki, Tomoko; Nagahata, Ritsuko; Ueda, Mitsuru.   European Polymer Journal  (2005),  41(10),  2428-2433.

New amorphous electron-transporting materials based on tris-benzimidazoles for all wet-process OLED devices.      Nomura, Masayoshi; Shibasaki, Yuji; Ueda, Mitsuru; Tugita, Kouhei; Ichikawa, Musubu; Taniguchi, Yoshio.   Synthetic Metals  (2005),  151(3),  261-268.

A novel low temperature curable photosensitive polybenzoxazole.      Toyokawa, Fumihiro; Shibasaki, Yuji; Ueda, Mitsuru.    Polymer Journal (Tokyo, Japan)  (2005),  37(7),  517-521.

Synthesis of transparent poly(o-hydroxy amide) derivative in i-line region for photosensitive polybenzoxazole.      Ogura, Tomohito; Fukukawa, Ken-ichi; Shibasaki, Yuji; Ueda, Mitsuru.     Journal of Photopolymer Science and Technology  (2005),  18(2),  319-320.

A new 193 nm resist.      Fukuhara, Toshiaki; Hirayama, Taku; Shibasaki, Yuji; Ando, Shinji; Ueda, Mitsuru; Endo, Masayuki; Sasago, Masaru.    Proceedings of SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering  (2005),  5753(Pt. 1, Advances in Resist Technology and Processing XXII),  122-130.

Citation 37
Synthesis and characterization of polyimides with low dielectric constants from aromatic dianhydrides and aromatic diamine containing phenylene ether unit.      Watanabe, Yasufumi; Shibasaki, Yuji; Ando, Shinji; Ueda, Mitsuru.   Polymer  (2005),  46(16),  5903-5908.

Synthesis of a highly transparent poly(o-hydroxyamide) in the i-line region and its application to photosensitive polymers.      Toyokawa, Fumihiro; Fukukawa, Ken-Ichi; Shibasaki, Yuji; Ando, Shinji; Ueda, Mitsuru.       Journal of Polymer Science, Part A: Polymer Chemistry  (2005),  43(12),  2527-2535.

Oxidative coupling polymerization of 2,6-dimethylphenol with a copper-amine catalyst immobilized within the interior of SBA-15.      Shibasaki, Yuji; Nakamura, Masahiro; Ishimaru, Ryuhei; Kondo, Junko N.; Ueda, Mitsuru.       Chemistry Letters  (2005),  34(5),  662-663.

Citation 31
New negative-type photosensitive alkaline-developable semi-aromatic polyimides with low dielectric constants based on poly(amic acid) from aromatic diamine containing adamantyl units and alicyclic dianhydrides, a cross-linker, and a photoacid generator.      Watanabe, Yasufumi; Shibasaki, Yuji; Ando, Shinji; Ueda, Mitsuru.   Polymer Journal (Tokyo, Japan)  (2005),  37(4),  270-276.

Synthesis of Poly[N-(1-adamantyl)vinylsulfonamide-co-2-(2-methyl)adamantylmethacrylate] for 193 nm Lithography.      Fukuhara, Toshiaki; Shibasaki, Yuji; Ando, Shinji; Kishimura, Shinji; Endo, Masayuki; Sasago, Masaru; Ueda, Mitsuru.     Macromolecules  (2005),  38(8),  3041-3043.

Facile synthesis of poly(phenylene-ether) dendrimers from unprotected AB2-building block using thionyl chloride as a condensing agent.      Yamazaki, Natsuko; Washio, Isao; Shibasaki, Yuji; Ueda, Mitsuru.    Polymer Preprints (American Chemical Society, Division of Polymer Chemistry)  (2005),  46(1),  645-646.

Photosensitive polyimide based on poly(amic acid) and thermal imidization at 200 ° C with photo-base generator.      Fukukawa, Ken-ichi; Shibasaki, Yuji; Ueda, Mitsuru.    PMSE Preprints  (2005),  92  134-135.

Negative-type chemically amplified photosensitive semi-alicyclic polybenzoxazole via acid-catalyzed electrophilic substitution.      Fukukawa, Ken-ichi; Shibasaki, Yuji; Ueda, Mitsuru.      Polymer Journal (Tokyo, Japan)  (2005),  37(2),  74-81.

Facile synthesis of polyamide dendrimers from unprotected AB2 building blocks: Dumbbell-shaped dendrimer, star-shaped dendrimer, and dendrimer with carboxylic acid at core.      Washio, Isao; Shibasaki, Yuji; Ueda, Mitsuru.     Macromolecules  (2005),  38(6),  2237-2246.

Citation 25
Three-component negative-type photosensitive polyimide precursor based on poly(amic acid), a crosslinker, and a photoacid generator.      Watanabe, Yasufumi; Fukukawa, Ken-Ichi; Shibasaki, Yuji; Ueda, Mitsuru.      Journal of Polymer Science, Part A: Polymer Chemistry  (2005),  43(3),  593-599.

Synthesis of thermally stable and hole-transporting amorphous molecule having four carbazole moieties.      Nomura, Masayoshi; Shibasaki, Yuji; Ueda, Mitsuru; Tugita, Kouhei; Ichikawa, Musubu; Taniguchi, Yoshio.      Synthetic Metals  (2005),  148(2),  155-160.

Synthesis of photosensitive and thermosetting poly(phenylene ether) based on poly[2,6-di(3-methyl-2-butenyl)phenol-co-2,6-dimethyl-phenol] and a photoacid generator.      Matsumoto, Kazuya; Shibasaki, Yuji; Ando, Shinji; Ueda, Mitsuru.    Journal of Polymer Science, Part A: Polymer Chemistry  (2005),  43(1),  149-156.

Regiocontrolled Oxidative Coupling Polycondensation of 2,5-Dimethylphenol Induced by Mesoporous Interior.      Shibasaki, Yuji; Nakamura, Masahiro; Ishimaru, Ryuhei; Kondo, Junko N.; Domen, Kazunari; Ueda, Mitsuru.      Macromolecules  (2004),  37(26),  9657-9659.

2004 (16)
Magnetic orientation of side-chain liquid crystalline polyguanamines.      Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Suzuki, Takahide; Awano, Hiroshi; Yonetaka, Koichiro.  IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity  (2004),  14(2),  1604-1607.

Electropolymerization of monosodium salts of triazine thiols in magnetic field.      Oravec, Jan; Mori, Kunio; Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Kang, Zhixin.     IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity  (2004),  14(2),  1592-1595.  Publisher: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers,  CODEN: ITASE9  ISSN: 1051-8223.

Polymer plating of 6-(N-allyl-1,1,2,2-tetrahydroperfluorodecyl)amino-1,3,5-triazine-2,4-dithiol monosodium on aluminum in magnetic field and its electrostatic capacity.      Mori, Kunio; Kang, Zhixin; Wang, Fang; Oishi, Yoshiyuki.   IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity  (2004),  14(2),  1177-1180.

Synthesis and characterization of aromatic polyimides containing s-triazine rings.      Kudo, Takahiro; Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Oravec, Jan; Mori, Kunio.       Journal of Photopolymer Science and Technology  (2004),  17(2),  259-262.

An efficient catalyst for low temperature solid-phase cyclization of poly(o-hydroxyamide).      Toyokawa, Fumihiro; Fukukawa, Ken-ichi; Shibasaki, Yuji; Ueda, Mitsuru.  Chemistry Letters  (2004),  33(10),  1342-1343.

Citation 55
A Photosensitive Semi-Alicyclic Poly(benzoxazole) with High Transparency and Low Dielectric Constant.      Fukukawa, Kenichi; Shibasaki, Yuji; Ueda, Mitsuru.  Macromolecules  (2004),  37(22),  8256-8261.

Efficient catalyst for low temperature solid-phase imidization of poly(amic acid).      Fukukawa, Kenichi; Shibasaki, Yuji; Ueda, Mitsuru.    Chemistry Letters  (2004),  33(9),  1156-1157.

A positive type alkaline developable thermally stable and photosensitive polymer based on partially O-methylated poly(2,6-dihydroxy-1,5-naphthylene), an acidolytic de-crosslinker, and a photoacid generator.      Tsuchiya, Kousuke; Shibasaki, Yuji; Ueda, Mitsuru.   Polymer  (2004),  45(20),  6873-6878.

Synthesis of photosensitive and thermosetting poly(phenylene ether) containing butenyl groups.      Matsumoto, Kazuya; Shibasaki, Yuji; Ando, Shinji; Ueda, Mitsuru.  Journal of Photopolymer Science and Technology  (2004),  17(2),  281-282.

New positive-type photosensitive polyimide having sulfo groups 2. Polyimides from 2,2'-oxy(or thio)bis(5-aminobenzenesulfonic acid), 4,4'-oxydianiline, and 4,4'-hexafluoropropylidene-bis(phthalic anhydride).      Morita, Kosuke; Shibasaki, Yuji; Ueda, Mitsuru.   Journal of Photopolymer Science and Technology  (2004),  17(2),  263-268.

Photosensitive poly(benzoxazole) via poly(o-hydroxy azomethine) II. Environmentally benign process in ethyl lactate.      Fukukawa, Ken-ichi; Shibasaki, Yuji; Ueda, Mitsuru.  Polymer Journal (Tokyo, Japan)  (2004),  36(6),  489-494.

Citation 42
Synthesis of a Novel Poly(binaphthylene ether) with a Low Dielectric Constant.      Tsuchiya, Kousuke; Ishii, Hirotoshi; Shibasaki, Yuji; Ando, Shinji; Ueda, Mitsuru.      Macromolecules  (2004),  37(13),  4794-4797.

Three-component, negative-type, alkaline-developable, thermally stable, and photosensitive polymer based on poly(2,6-dihydroxy-1,5-naphthalene), a crosslinker, and a photoacid generator.      Tsuchiya, Kousuke; Shibasaki, Yuji; Suzuki, Masato; Ueda, Mitsuru.    Journal of Polymer Science, Part A: Polymer Chemistry  (2004),  42(9),  2235-2240.

Citation 41
Synthesis and Properties of Poly[di(1-naphthyl)-4-tolylamine] as a Hole Transport Material.      Nomura, Masayoshi; Shibasaki, Yuji; Ueda, Mitsuru; Tugita, Kouhei; Ichikawa, Musubu; Taniguchi, Yoshio.      Macromolecules  (2004),  37(4),  1204-1210.

Citation 40
Synthesis of thermosetting poly(phenylene ether) containing allyl groups.      Fukuhara, Toshiaki; Shibasaki, Yuji; Ando, Shinji; Ueda, Mitsuru.    Polymer  (2004),  45(3),  843-847.

Shear-induced mesophase organization of polyanionic rigid rods in aqueous solution.     Funaki Takafumi; Kaneko Tatsuo; Yamaoka Kanji; Ohsedo Yutaka; Gong Jian Ping; Osada Yoshihito; Shibasaki Yuji; Ueda Mitsuru      Langmuir : the ACS journal of surfaces and colloids  (2004),  20(15),  6518-20.

2003 (24)
Study of interfacial chemistry on direct curing adhesion between Ni-P plating and rubber using 1,3,5-triazine-2,4,6-trithiol monosodium salt.      Hirahara, Hidetoshi; Aisawa, Sumio; Mori, Kunio; Narita, Eiichi; Oishi, Yoshiyuki.    Surface and Interface Analysis  (2003),  35(12),  953-959.

Development of polymer-molding-releasing metal mold surfaces with perfluorinated-group-containing polymer plating.      Mori, Kunio; Sasaki, Yaeko; Hirahara, Hidetoshi; Oishi, Yoshiyuki.   Journal of Applied Polymer Science  (2003),  90(9),  2549-2556.

Synthesis of fluorine-containing wholly alicyclic polyimides by in situ silylation method.      Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Onodera, Shu; Oravec, Jan; Mori, Kunio; Ando, Shinji; Terui, Yoshiharu; Maeda, Kazuhiko.    Journal of Photopolymer Science and Technology  (2003),  16(2),  263-266.

Electrochemical reaction in the polymer plating of triazine dithiols.      Mori, Kunio; Asakura, Tomokazu; Oishi, Yoshiyuki.     Polymer Journal (Tokyo, Japan)  (2003),  35(7),  568-572.

Direct adhesion between polymer plated metals and rubbers during vulcanization, part 4. Direct adhesion between polymer plated steel and peroxide crosslinked EPDM during vulcanization.      Gong, Peng; Mori, Kunio; Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Hotaka, Takeshi. Nippon Gomu Kyokaishi  (2003),  76(5),  154-159.

Direct adhesion of PPS to polymer-plated magnesium alloys.      Mori, Kunio; Kang, Zhixin; Oravec, Jan; Oishi, Yoshiyuki.     Materials Science Forum  (2003),  419-422(Pt. 2, Magnesium Alloys 2003),  921-926.

Corrosion resistance of polymer-plated magnesium alloys.      Mori, Kunio; Kang, Zhixin; Oravec, Jan; Oishi, Yoshiyuki.   Materials Science Forum  (2003),  419-422(Pt. 2, Magnesium Alloys 2003),  889-896.

A new positive-working alkaline developable photoresist based on partially O-tert-butoxycarbonylmethylated-tetra-C-methylcalix[4]resorcinarene and a photoacid generator.      Iimori, H.; Shibasaki, Y.; Ueda, M.; Ishii, H.     Journal of Photopolymer Science and Technology  (2003),  16(5),  685-690.

Citation 39
Synthesis of semiaromatic polyimides from aromatic diamines containing adamantyl units and alicyclic dianhydrides.      Watanabe, Yasufumi; Shibasaki, Yuji; Ando, Shinji; Ueda, Mitsuru.     Journal of Polymer Science, Part A: Polymer Chemistry  (2003),  Volume Date 2004,  42(1),  144-150.

Precise control of molecular weight and its distribution in polycondensation.      Shibasaki, Yuji; Ueda, Mitsuru.      Kino Zairyo  (2003),  23(11),  22-29.

Nonstoichiometric polycondensation I. Synthesis of polythioether from dibromomethane and 4,4'-thiobisbenzenethiol.      Iimori, Hirokazu; Shibasaki, Yuji; Ando, Shinji; Ueda, Mitsuru.    Macromolecular Symposia  (2003),  199(Polycondensation 2002),  23-35.

Facile Synthesis of Polyamide Dendrimers from Unprotected AB2 Building Blocks.      Washio, Isao; Shibasaki, Yuji; Ueda, Mitsuru.    Organic Letters  (2003),  5(22),  4159-4161.

New positive-type photosensitive polyimide having sulfo groups.      Morita, Kosuke; Ebara, Kazuya; Shibasaki, Yuji; Ueda, Mitsuru; Goto, Kenichi; Tamai, Souji.       Polymer  (2003),  44(20),  6235-6239.

A new photoresist materials for 157 nm lithography-3: Poly[2-hydroxy-3-pinanyl vinyl sulfonate-co-4-(1,1,1,3,3,3-hexafluoro-2-hydroxypropyl)styrene].      Iimori, H.; Ando, S.; Shibasaki, Y.; Ueda, M.; Kishimura, S.; Endo, M.; Sasago, M.    Journal of Photopolymer Science and Technology  (2003),  16(4),  601-605.

Chemically amplified photosensitive poly(benzoxazole).      Ebara, Kazuya; Shibasaki, Yuji; Ueda, Mitsuru.      Journal of Photopolymer Science and Technology  (2003),  16(2),  287-292.

A new negative-type photosensitive polymer based on poly(2,6-dihydroxy-1,5-naphthalene), a cross-linker, and a photoacid generator.      Tsuchiya, Kousuke; Shibasaki, Yuji; Suzuki, Masato; Ueda, Mitsuru.    Journal of Photopolymer Science and Technology  (2003),  16(2),  285-286.

New convenient synthetic route for photosensitive poly(benzoxazole).      Ueda, Mitsuru; Ebara, Kazuya; Shibasaki, Yuji.    Journal of Photopolymer Science and Technology  (2003),  16(2),  237-242.

Synthesis of polyamide dendrimers from unprotected AB2-building block using thionyl chloride as a condensing agent.      Washio, Isao; Shibasaki, Yuji; Ueda, Mitsuru.    Polymer Preprints (American Chemical Society, Division of Polymer Chemistry)  (2003),  44(2),  837-838.

Synthesis of naphthalene polymer with low dielectric constant.      Tsuchiya, Kousuke; Shibasaki, Yuji; Ueda, Mitsuru.    Polymer Preprints (American Chemical Society, Division of Polymer Chemistry)  (2003),  44(2),  835-836.

Immobilization of monometallic copper complexes on mesoporous silica and their activity as catalyst for oxidative coupling polymerization of phenols.      Shibasaki, Yuji; Kondo, Junko N.; Domen, Kazunari; Ueda, Mitsuru.  Polymer Preprints (American Chemical Society, Division of Polymer Chemistry)  (2003),  44(2),  709-710.

Citation 35
Rapid Synthesis of Polyamide Dendrimers from Unprotected AB2 Building Blocks.      Okazaki, Masaki; Washio, Isao; Shibasaki, Yuji; Ueda, Mitsuru.     Journal of the American Chemical Society  (2003),  125(27),  8120-8121.

New Photoresist Materials for 157-nm Lithography. Poly[vinylsulfonyl fluoride-co-4-(1,1,1,3,3,3-hexafluoro-2-hydroxypropyl)-styrene] Partially Protected with tert-Butoxycarbonyl.      Fujigaya, Tsuyohiko; Sibasaki, Yuji; Ando, Shinji; Kishimura, Shinji; Endo, Masayoshi; Sasago, Masaru; Ueda, Mitsuru.      Chemistry of Materials  (2003),  15(7),  1512-1517.

Tandem Type Polymerization. Synthesis and Characterization of Ordered Poly(amide-thioether) from 2,6-Dichlorophenyl Methacrylate, 4,4'-Thiobis(benznenethiol), and 4,4'-Oxydianiline.      Tsuchiya, Kousuke; Shibasaki, Yuji; Ueda, Mitsuru.     Macromolecules  (2003),  36(6),  1815-1818.

Citation 33
Convenient synthesis of poly(2,6-dihydroxy-1,5-naphthylene) by Cu(II)-amine catalyzed oxidative coupling polymerization.      Sasada, Yasuyuki; Shibasaki, Yuji; Suzuki, Masato; Ueda, Mitsuru.      Polymer  (2002),  Volume Date 2003,  44(2),  355-360.

2002 (18)
Evaporation Polymerization of 6-Dibutylamino-1,3,5-triazine-2,4-dithiol on Iron Plates.      Mori, Kunio; Suzuki, Kazutaka; Shimizu, Kenji; Oishi, Yoshiyuki.    Langmuir  (2002),  18(24),  9527-9532.

Synthesis of alicyclic polyimides from fluorinated alicyclic diamine.      Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Kikuchi, Norie; Mori, Kunio; Ando, Shinji; Maeda, Kazuhiko.      Journal of Photopolymer Science and Technology  (2002),  15(2),  213-214.

Effect of adding hindered nickel salts on adhesion of metal to rubber, Part 2. Effect of various additives on direct adhesion of magnesium alloys to rubber.      Shi, Xiaodong; Mori, Kunio; Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Yoshida, Atsushi.    Nippon Gomu Kyokaishi  (2002),  75(5),  210-215.

Triazine-containing aromatic polymers.      Oishi, Yoshiyuki.     Editor(s): Imai, Yoshio; Yokota, Rikio.    Saishin Poriimido  (2002),     435-452.

Citation 25

Photosensitive poly(benzoxazole) based on precursor from diphenyl isophthalate and bis(o-aminophenol).      Ebara, Kazuya; Shibasaki, Yuji; Ueda, Mitsuru. Polymer  (2002),  Volume Date 2003,  44(2),  333-339.

New amorphous hole-transporting molecular materials: 1,1,1-Tris(4-(4-diarylaminobenzoyloxy)phenyl)ethane.      Nomura, M.; Fukukawa, K.; Shibasaki, Y.; Ueda, M.  Synthetic Metals  (2002),  132(1),  9-13.

Synthesis and properties of soluble aromatic poly(ether benzoxazole)s from 9,9-bis[4-(4-amino-3-hydroxyphenoxy)phenyl]fluorene and aromatic dicarboxylic acid chlorides.      Imai, Yoshio; Shibasaki, Yuji; Takeuchi, Hisashi; Park, Ki Hong; Kakimoto, Masa-Aki.   High Performance Polymers  (2002),  14(3),  253-260.

New synthetic route for photosensitive poly(benzoxazole).      Ebara, Kazuya; Shibasaki, Yuji; Ueda, Mitsuru.      Journal of Polymer Science, Part A: Polymer Chemistry  (2002),  40(20),  3399-3405.

A new photoresist material for 157 nm lithography-2.      Fujigaya, T.; Ando, S.; Shibasaki, Y.; Kishimura, S.; Endo, M.; Sasago, M.; Ueda, M.   Journal of Photopolymer Science and Technology  (2002),  15(4),  643-654.

New positive-type chemically amplified photosensitive poly(phenylene ether): 5 synthesis of poly(2-hydroxy-6-methylphenylene ether) by oxidative coupling polymerization of 2-trialkylsilyloxy-6-methylphenol.      Shibasaki, Yuji; Sasada, Yasuyuki; Ueda, Mitsuru.     Journal of Photopolymer Science and Technology  (2002),  15(2),  197-200.

Poly(arylene ether) by Pd-catalyzed polycondensation.      Shibasaki, Yuji; Ueda, Mitsuru.     Polymer Preprints (American Chemical Society, Division of Polymer Chemistry)  (2002),  43(2),  920-921.

Synthesis of poly(aryl ether) by Pd-catalyzed polycondensation.      Shibasaki, Yuji; Ueda, Mitsuru.    Chemistry Letters  (2002),   (8),  794-795.

Citation 31

Control of molecular weight distribution in polycondensation polymers. Polyamide synthesis.      Shibasaki, Yuji; Araki, Tomoko; Okazaki, Masaki; Ueda, Mitsuru.      Polymer Journal (Tokyo, Japan)  (2002),  34(4),  261-266.

New photoresist material for 157 nm lithography.      Fujigaya, T.; Shibasaki, Y.; Ueda, M.; Kishimura, Shinji; Endo, Masayuki; Sasago, Masaru.    PMSE Preprints  (2002),  86  148-149.

A new positive-type photosensitive alkaline-developable alicyclic polyimide based on polyamic acid silyl ester as a polyimide precursor and diazonaphthoquinone as a photosensitive compound.      Watanabe, Yasufumi; Shibasaki, Yuji; Ando, Shinji; Ueda, Mitsuru.    Chemistry of Materials  (2002),  14(4),  1762-1766.

Citation 47
Synthesis of Wholly Alicyclic Polyimides from N-Silylated Alicyclic Diamines and Alicyclic Dianhydrides.      Watanabe, Yasufumi; Sakai, Yoshimasa; Shibasaki, Yuji; Ando, Shinji; Ueda, Mitsuru; Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Mori, Kunio.   Macromolecules  (2002),  35(6),  2277-2281.

Citation 147
Star Polymer Synthesis from .epsilon.-Caprolactone Utilizing Polyol/Protonic Acid Initiator.     Sanda, Fumio; Sanada, Hidetsugu; Shibasaki, Yuji; Endo, Takeshi.    Macromolecules  (2002),  35(3),  680-683.

Citation 58
Controlled ring-opening polymerization of cyclic carbonates and lactones by an activated monomer mechanism.     Endo, Takeshi; Shibasaki, Yuji; Sanda, Fumio.     Journal of Polymer Science, Part A: Polymer Chemistry  (2002),  40(13),  2190-2198.

Citation 63
A positive-working alkaline developable photoresist based on partially tert-Boc-protected calix[4]resorcinarene and a photoacid generator.    Young-Gil, Kwon; Kim, Jin Baek; Fujigaya, Tsuyohiko; Shibasaki, Yuji; Ueda, Mitsuru.   Journal of Materials Chemistry  (2002),  12(1),  53-57.

2001 (18)
Direct adhesion between polymer-plated metals and rubbers during vulcanization. Part 3. Effects of thin organic film structures on the direct adhesion between polymer-plated metals and rubbers during vulcanization.      Gong, Peng; Mori, Kunio; Oishi, Yoshiyuki.    Nippon Gomu Kyokaishi  (2001),  74(12),  483-489.

Polymer plating of perfluoroalkyl group containing triazine thiol.      Ouchi, Shoko; Mori, Kunio; Hirahara, Hidetoshi; Oishi, Yoshiyuki.    Kobunshi Ronbunshu  (2001),  58(11),  624-626.

Effect of adding hindered nickel salts on adhesion of metal to rubber, Part 1. Effect of surface treatment on direct adhesion of magnesium alloy to rubber.      Shi, Xiaodong; Mori, Kunio; Hirahara, Hidetoshi; Oishi, Yoshiyuki.    Kyokaishi  (2001),  74(9),  374-379.

Direct adhesion between polymer plated metals and rubbers during vulcanization, Part 2. Direct adhesion between polymer plated magnesium alloy AZ91D and acrylic rubber during vulcanization.      Gong, Peng; Mori, Kunio; Oishi, Yoshiyuki.  Nippon Gomu Kyokaishi  (2001),  74(9),  368-373.

Accelerating effect of NaNO2 on the polymer plating of 6-substituted-1,3,5-triazine-2,4-dithiol mono sodium salts.      Mori, Kunio; Sasaki, Yaeko; Hirahara, Hidetoshi; Oishi, Yoshiyuki.    Journal of Applied Polymer Science  (2001),  82(9),  2300-2309.

Polymer plating of 6-substituted-1,3,5-triazine-2,4-dithiols on magnesium alloys and applications of the plated alloys.      Mori, Kunio; Hirahara, Hidetoshi; Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Sasaki, Hideyuki.    Materials Transactions  (2001),  42(7),  1219-1224.

Synthesis of alicyclic polyimides by the silylation method.      Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Ogasawara, Kotarou; Hirahara, Hidetoshi; Mori, Kunio.   Journal of Photopolymer Science and Technology  (2001),  14(1),  37-40.

Direct adhesion between polymer plated metals and rubbers during vulcanization, Part 1. Direct adhesion between polymer plated metals and acrylic rubber during vulcanization.      Gong, Peng; Mori, Kunio; Hirahara, Hidetoshi; Oishi, Yoshiyuki.    Nippon Gomu Kyokaishi  (2001),  74(7),  289-295.

Studies on adhesion of zinc to rubber, part 1. Direct adhesion between zinc plated steel cord and rubber during vulcanization.      Shi, Xiaodong; Mori, Kunio; Hirahara, Hidetoshi; Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Tanaka, Ichiro.   Nippon Gomu Kyokaishi  (2001),  74(5),  196-201.

New positive-type photosensitive polymer based on poly(2,6-dihydroxy-1,5-naphthylene) and diazonaphthoquinone.      Sasada, Yasuyuki; Shibasaki, Yuji; Suzuki, Masato; Ueda, Mitsuru.    Journal of Polymer Science, Part A: Polymer Chemistry  (2001),  Volume Date 2002,  40(3),  393-398.

Citation 74
Convenient Synthesis of Aliphatic Polyesters by Distannoxane-Catalyzed Polycondensation.      Ishii, Momoko; Okazaki, Masaki; Shibasaki, Yuji; Ueda, Mitsuru; Teranishi, Tadashi.   Biomacromolecules  (2001),  2(4),  1267-1270.

Synthesis of aromatic polyamide with narrow polydispersity via polycondensation.      Shibasaki, Yuji; Araki, Tomako; Ueda, Mitsuru.    Polymer Preprints (American Chemical Society, Division of Polymer Chemistry)  (2001),  42(2),  401-402.

A new positive working alkaline developable photoresist based on a simple amorphous molecule, tri(3,5-di-tert-butoxycarbonyloxybenzyl) 1,3,5-benzenetricarboxylate and a photoacid generator.      Fujigaya, Tsuyohiko; Shibasaki, Yuji; Ueda, Mitsuru.     Journal of Photopolymer Science and Technology  (2001),  14(2),  275-280.

Direct synthesis of photosensitive poly(benzoxazole).      Ebara, Kazuya; Shibasaki, Yuji; Ueda, Mitsuru.    Journal of Photopolymer Science and Technology  (2001),  14(1),  55-60.

New positive-type chemically amplified photosensitive poly(phenylene ether): 4. Partially tert-butoxycarbonylated poly(2-hydroxy-6-methylphenol-co-2,6-dimethylphenol) with a photoacid generator.      Sasada, Yasuyuki; Tamamura, Makoto; Shibasaki, Yuji; Ueda, Mitsuru.    Journal of Photopolymer Science and Technology  (2001),  14(1),  51-54.

New positive type photosensitive polyimide: hyperbranched poly (ether imide) with diazonaphthoquinone.      Okazaki, Masaki; Shibasaki, Yuji; Ueda, Mitsuru.   Journal of Photopolymer Science and Technology  (2001),  14(1),  45-50.

New negative-type photosensitive polyimide based on hyperbranched poly(ether imide), a cross-linker, and a photoacid generator.      Okazaki, Masaki; Shibasaki, Yuji; Ueda, Mitsuru.   Chemistry Letters  (2001),   (8),  762-763.

New positive-type photosensitive polyimide: hyperbranched poly(etherimide) with diazonaphthoquinone.      Okazaki, Masaki; Shibasaki, Yuji; Ueda, Mitsuru.      Polymer Preprints (American Chemical Society, Division of Polymer Chemistry)  (2001),  42(1),  490-491.

Convenient synthesis of aliphatic polyester catalyzed by distannoxane.      Ishii, Momoko; Okazaki, Masaki; Shibasaki, Yuji; Takahashi, Hiroyuki; Hayakawa, Teruaki; Ueda, Mitsuru.   Polymer Preprints (American Chemical Society, Division of Polymer Chemistry)  (2001),  42(1),  462-463.

2000 (13)
Effect of triazine dithiols on the polymer plating of magnesium alloys.      Mori, Kunio; Hirahara, Hidetoshi; Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Kumagai, Naoaki.     Materials Science Forum  (2000),  350-351(Magnesium Alloys 2000),  223-234.

Studies on adhesion of zinc to rubber, part 1. Direct adhesion between zinc plated steel cord and rubber during vulcanization.
      Shi, Xiaodong; Mori, Kunio; Hirahara, Hidetoshi; Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Tanaka, Ichiro.  Nippon Gomu Kyokaishi  (2001),  74(5),  196-201.

Polymer plating of 2-Dioctylamino-1,3,5-triazine-4,6-dithiol to magnesium alloys.      Mori, Kunio; Hirahara, Hidetoshi; Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Kumagai, Naoaki.     Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters  (2000),  3(12),  546-549.

Preparation and properties of polyimides from alicyclic dianhydride and aromatic diamines.      Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Ogasawara, Kotarou; Hirahara, Hidetoshi; Mori, Kunio.     Journal of Photopolymer Science and Technology  (2000),  13(2),  323-326.

Adhesion of nylon-6 to triazine trithiol-treated metals during injection molding.      Mori, Kunio; Sasaki, Hideyuki; Kobayashi, Ichiro; Sai, Seichi; Hirahara, Hidetoshi; Oishi, Yoshiyuki.     Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology  (2000),  14(6),  791-803.

Development of resin-molding-releasing metal mold surface using perfluoroalkyl group-containing polymer plating.      Mori, Kunio; Hirahara, Hidetoshi; Oishi, Yoshiyuki.      Nippon Kagaku Kaishi  (2000),   (4),  281-289.

Effect of organic polymer plating on corrosion resistance of cast iron.      Kang, Zhixin; Mori, Kunio; Horie, Hiroshi; Hirahara, Hidetoshi; Oishi, Yoshiyuki.       Chuzo Kogaku  (2000),  72(1),  3-7.

Study on functionalization of acrylonitrile butadiene rubber with surface treatment.      Hirahara, Hidetoshi; Abe, Shirou; Mori, Kunio; Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Tanaka, Ichirou.     Kobunshi Ronbunshu  (2000),  57(2),  95-99.

Synthesis of wholly alicyclic polyimides from N-silylated alicyclic diamines.      Watanabe, Yasufumi; Sakai, Yoshimasa; Ueda, Mitsuru; Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Mori, Kunio.      Chemistry Letters  (2000),   (5),  450-451.

A novel acid promoted ring-opening polymerization of a seven-membered cyclic carbonate initiated with BCl3.      Shibasaki, Yuji; Sanda, Fumio; Endo, Takeshi.   Macromolecular Rapid Communications  (2000),  21(8),  489-492.

Citation 153
Activated Monomer Cationic Polymerization of Lactones and the Application to Well-Defined Block Copolymer Synthesis with Seven-Membered Cyclic Carbonate.      Shibasaki, Yuji; Sanada, Hidetsugu; Yokoi, Makiko; Sanda, Fumio; Endo, Takeshi.     Macromolecules  (2000),  33(12),  4316-4320.

Citation 24
Cationic Ring-Opening Polymerization of Seven-Membered Cyclic Carbonate with Water-Hydrogen Chloride through Activated Monomer Process.      Shibasaki, Yuji; Sanda, Fumio; Endo, Takeshi.        Macromolecules  (2000),  33(10),  3590-3593.

Acid-Promoted Living Ring-Opening Polymerization of Cyclic Carbonates with B(OR)3.      Shibasaki, Yuji; Sanda, Fumio; Endo, Takeshi.       Macromolecules  (2000),  33(10),  3630-3633.

1999 (8)
Synthesis and properties of aliphatic-aromatic polyimides from N-silylated hexamethylenediamine.      Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Miura, Wakako; Hirahara, Hidetoshi; Mori, Kunio.      Journal of Photopolymer Science and Technology  (1999),  12(2),  217-220.

Preparation and properties of poly(2,4-bisthio substituted 6-fluorine-containing group substituted 1,3,5-triazine)s.      Kim, Jae Jong; Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Hirahara, Hidetoshi; Mori, Kunio.   Kobunshi Ronbunshu  (1999),  56(5),  314-322.

Synthesis of polysulfides containing s-triazine rings from 6-substituted amino-1,3,5-triazine-2,4-dithiols and 1,10-dibromodecane.      Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Kim, Jae Jong; Nakamura, Mitsuhiro; Hirahara, Hidetoshi; Mori, Kunio.    Macromolecular Rapid Communications  (1999),  20(5),  294-298.

Study of organic electrodeposition using triazinethiol. 2. Accelerating effect of NaNO2 on organic polymer electrodeposition of 6-diallylamino-1,3,5-triazine-2,4-dithiols.      Mori, Kunio; Sasaki, Yaeko; Hirahara, Hidetoshi; Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Tanaka, Ichiro.     Hyomen Gijutsu  (1999),  50(5),  460-466.

Adhesion of ABS resin to metals treated with triazine trithiol monosodium aqueous solution.      Sasaki, Hideyuki; Kobayashi, Ichiro; Sai, Saichi; Hirahara, Hidetoshi; Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Mori, Kunio.      Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology  (1999),  13(4),  523-539.

Synthesis of functional condensation polymers containing triazine rings.      Oishi, Yoshiyuki.    D  Kobunshi  (1999),  48(4),  274-278.

Preparation of poly(6-substituted 1,3,5-triazine-2,4-dithioxylylene)s and their properties.      Kim, Jae Jong; Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Hirahara, Hidetoshi; Mori, Kunio.    Kobunshi Ronbunshu  (1999),  56(3),  159-165.

Citation 25
Activated monomer cationic polymerization of 1,3-dioxepan-2-one initiated by water-hydrogen chloride.      Shibasaki, Yuji; Sanda, Fumio; Endo, Takeshi.   Macromolecular Rapid Communications  (1999),  20(10),  532-535.

1998 (4)
Direct vulcanization adhesion of nickel platings to NBR compounded with softener using triazine trithiol monosodium salt.      Hirakawa, Hidetoshi; Mori, Kunio; Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Aida, Toru; Sasaki, Yaeko; Omura, Shingo.   Nippon Gomu Kyokaishi  (1998),  71(7),  394-401.

Preparation and properties of aromatic polycarbodiimides from aromatic diisocyanates.      Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Tokuda, Yuki; Hirahara, Hidetoshi; Mori, Kunio.      Journal of Photopolymer Science and Technology  (1998),  11(2),  245-248.

Reduction of the cationic growing center of polyisobutylene by activated magnesium. Block copolymerization of isobutylene with tert-butyl methacrylate.      Shibasaki, Yuji; Nomura, Ryoji; Endo, Takeshi.       Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics  (1998),  199(11),  2619-2623.

Polysulfide containing s-triazine rings as a new thermoplastic elastomer: spherulite morphology and strain recovery behavior.      Charoensirisomboon, Piyada; Saito, Hiromu; Inoue, Takashi; Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Mori, Kunio.      Polymer  (1998),  39(11),  2089-2093.

1997 (2)
Direct adhesion of fluorinated rubbers to nickel-plated steel and nitrile rubber during curing using the tetrabutylammonium salt of 1,3,5-triazine-2,4,6-trithiol.      Hirahara, Hidetoshi; Mori, Kunio; Oishi, Yoshiyuki.    Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology  (1997),  11(11),  1459-1474.

Direct adhesion between electroless nickel-P plated metals and NBR compounds during curing.      Mori, Kunio; Hirahara, Hidetoshi; Oishi, Yoshiyuki.    Rubber Chemistry and Technology  (1997),  70(2),  211-221.

1996 (1)

Block copolymerization of tetrahydrofuran with d -valerolactone by the samarium iodide-induced transformation.      Nomura, Ryoji; Shibasaki, Yuji; Endo, Takeshi.    Polymer Bulletin (Berlin)  (1996),  37(5),  597-601.

1995 (5)
Polymerization of 2-dibutylamino-1,3,5-triazine-4,6-dithiol on wire during friction process.      Mori, Kunio; Ibbashi, Wataru; Hirahara, Hidetoshi; Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Katayama, Masanari.    Journal of Applied Polymer Science  (1995),  58(13),  2451-8.

Tribological polymerization of 2-dibutylamino-1,3,5-triazine-4,6-dithiol on iron wire during drawing.      Mori, Kunio; Hirahara, Hidetoshi; Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Katayama, Masanori.      Polymer Journal (Tokyo)  (1995),  27(10),  1058-63.

Synthesis and characterization of perfluoroalkyl-substituted aromatic polyimides.      Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Kanazawa, Junpei; Hirohara, Hidetoshi; Mori, Kunio.       Journal of Photopolymer Science and Technology  (1995),  8(2),  281-8.

Formation of surface structure in vulcanizates and surface structure changes in air.      Mori, Kunio; Kanae, Kentaro; Hirahara, Hidetoshi; Oishi, Yoshiyuki.      Rubber Chemistry and Technology  (1995),  68(1),  97-109.

Electrochemical Polymerization of 2-(Dioctylamino)-1,3,5-triazine-4,6-dithiol on Iron Plates.      Mori, Kunio; Sasaki, Yaeko; Sai, Seiichi; Kaneda, Satoshi; Hirahara, Hidetoshi; Oishi, Yoshiyuki.       Langmuir  (1995),  11(5),  1431-4.

1994 (5)
Influence on friction force of adhesion force between vulcanizates and sliders.      Mori, Kunio; Kaneda, Satoshi; Kanae, Kentaro; Hirahara, Hidetoshi; Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Iwabuchi, Akira.     Rubber Chemistry and Technology  (1994),  67(5),  797-805.

Study on durability of NR-cords adherends. III. Recovery of adhesion strength in NR-steel cord adherends aged in hot water and their twice water aging.      Mori, Kunio; Kimu, Saiso; Hirahara, Hidetoshi; Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Horie, Hiroshi; Nakamura, Mitsuru; Hiratsuka, Sadato.     Nippon Gomu Kyokaishi  (1994),  67(5),  369-75.

Study on the durability of NR-brass adherends. 2. Aging of NR-brass cord adherends in moisture environments.      Mori, Kunio; Kimu, Saiso; Yasukawa, Takaomi; Hirahara, Hidetoshi; Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Horie, Hiroshi; Nakamura, Mitsuru; Hiratsuka, Sadato.   Nippon Gomu Kyokaishi  (1994),  67(4),  293-305.

Surface treatment of fluorinated rubber with triazine thiols and their properties.      Mori, Kunio; Hirahara, Hidetoshi; Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Kim, Saiso; Tamura, Kosaku; Iwabuchi, Akira.     Journal of Applied Polymer Science  (1994),  51(1),  71-80.

Polymerization of surface-active monomers. VIII. Tacticity of polymers prepared by radical polymerization of quaternary salts of dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate in micellar and isotropic media.      Nagai, Katsutoshi; Ohishi, Yoshiyuki.     Journal of Polymer Science, Part A:  Polymer Chemistry  (1994),  32(3),  445-9.

1993 (7)
Surface treatment of fluorinated rubber with 6-dibutylamino-1,3,5-triazine-2,4-dithiol and its ammonium salt and their properties.      Mori, Kunio; Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Hirahara, Hidetoshi; Harada, Hitoshi.     Nippon Gomu Kyokaishi  (1993),  66(10),  731-40.

Electropolymerization of aniline on conductive vulcanizates and charge-discharge properties.      Mori, Kunio; Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Hirahara, Hidetoshi; Kumagai, Naoaki; Tanno, Kazuo.    Rubber Chemistry and Technology  (1993),  66(5),  806-16.

Study on the surface and interface control of vulcanizates. II. Effect of molds on the surface free energy and friction coefficient of vulcanizates.      Mori, Kunio; Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Hirahara, Hidetoshi; Kanae, Kentaro; Iwabuchi, Akira; Tutumi, Akane; Yamabe, Hidetoshi.    Ronbunshu  (1993),  50(8),  629-35.

Crosslinking of PVC and NBR blends.      Oravec, Jan; Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Hirahara, Hidetoshi; Mori, Kunio.     Polymer International  (1993),  32(3),  303-8.

Synthesis and properties of new block copolymers based on poly(ether sulfone) and aramids.      Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Nakata, Shoichi; Kakimoto, Masaaki; Imai, Yoshio.    Journal of Polymer Science, Part A:  Polymer Chemistry  (1993),  31(5),  1111-17.

Synthesis and properties of new block copolymers based on poly(ether sulfone) and polyimides.      Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Nakata, Shoichi; Kakimoto, Masaaki; Imai, Yoshio.       Journal of Polymer Science, Part A:  Polymer Chemistry  (1993),  31(4),  933-8.

Synthesis and properties of hydroxyl-containing aromatic polyimides from trimethylsilylated 2,4-diaminophenol and aromatic tetracarboxylic dianhydrides.      Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Shirasaki, Mika; Kakimoto, Masaaki; Imai, Yoshio.    Journal of Polymer Science, Part A:  Polymer Chemistry  (1993),  31(1),  293-6.

1992 (9)
The conductivity of coating films in cure type conductive paints.      Mori, Kunio; Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Saito, Yoshitaka; Takizawa, Toshiki; Yamada, Hiroshi.    Kobunshi Ronbunshu  (1992),  49(8),  645-53.

Effect of magnetic treatment on conductive coating films.      Mori, Kunio; Saito, Yoshitaka; Takizawa, Toshiki; Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Yamada, Hiroshi.      Kobunshi Ronbunshu  (1992),  49(6),  485-92.

Polymerization of monomer films of triazine dithiols on a copper surface.      Mori, Kunio; Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Miyashita, Tokuji; Matsuda, Minoru.    Polymer International  (1992),  28(3),  193-9.

Synthesis and characterization of polydimethylsiloxane-polyimide block copolymers.      Imai, Yoshio; Kakimoto, Masaaki; Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Kajiyama, Mikio; Kawata, Masatoshi; Nakata, Shoichi.    Kenkyu Hokoku - Asahi Garasu Zaidan  (1992),  Volume Date 1991,  59  17-26.

Preparation and properties of new random and block copolyamides derived from 1,3-bis(3-aminopropyl)tetramethyldisiloxane, aromatic diamines, and isophthaloyl chloride.      Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Nakata, Shoichi; Kajiyama, Mikio; Kakimoto, Masa Aki; Imai, Yoshio.     Journal of Polymer Science, Part A:  Polymer Chemistry  (1992),  30(11),  2357-64.

Synthesis and properties of segmented aromatic poly(ether sulfone)-amide and poly(ether sulfone)-imide copolymers.      Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Nakata, Shoichi; Kakimoto, Masa Aki; Imai, Yoshio.    Journal of Polymer Science, Part A:  Polymer Chemistry  (1992),  30(10),  2217-21.

Synthesis and properties of aromatic polyureas from N,N'-bis(trimethylsilyl)-substituted aromatic diamines and aromatic diisocyanates.      Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Padmanaban, Munirathina; Kakimoto, Masaaki; Imai, Yoshio.     Journal of Polymer Science, Part A:  Polymer Chemistry  (1992),  30(7),  1363-8.

Preparation and properties of novel soluble aromatic polyimides from 4,4'-diaminotriphenylamine and aromatic tetracarboxylic dianhydrides.      Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Ishida, Mina; Kakimoto, Masaaki; Imai, Yoshio; Kurosaki, Toshikazu.      Journal of Polymer Science, Part A:  Polymer Chemistry  (1992),  30(6),  1027-35.

Preparation and properties of fluorine-containing aromatic polyamides from trimethylsilyl-substituted tetrafluoro-m-phenylenediamine and aromatic dicarboxylic acid chlorides.      Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Harada, Shigeyuki; Kakimoto, Masaaki; Imai, Yoshio.      Journal of Polymer Science, Part A:  Polymer Chemistry  (1992),  30(6),  1203-7.

1991 (8)

Synthesis of aromatic polyimides and poly(amide imides) from N,N'-bis(trimethylsilyl)-substituted aromatic diamines by the silylation method.      Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Kakimoto, Masaaki; Imai, Yoshio.    Editor(s): Abadie, Marc J. M.; Sillion, Bernard.    Polyimides Other High-Temp. Polym., Proc. Eur. Tech. Symp., 2nd  (1991),     93-100.

Water resistance of natural rubber-brass adherends.      Mori, Kunio; Takahashi, Haruhiko; Oishi, Yoshiyuki.       Nippon Gomu Kyokaishi  (1991),  64(10),  622-31.

Improvement of the heat aging resistance of NBR by triazine type reactive antioxidants.      Mori, Kunio; Sakai, Kouji; Ohishi, Yoshiyuki; Tamura, Kosaku; Saito, Yoshiko.        Nippon Gomu Kyokaishi  (1991),  64(7),  433-41.

Synthesis of aromatic polyamide-imides from N,N'-bis(trimethylsilyl)-substituted aromatic diamines and 4-chloroformylphthalic anhydride.      Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Kakimoto, Masaaki; Imai, Yoshio.     Journal of Polymer Science, Part A:  Polymer Chemistry  (1991),  29(13),  1925-31.

Cesium fluoride catalyzed synthesis of aromatic polyamide from 4,4'-oxybis(N-trimethylsilylaniline) and diphenyl isophthalate.      Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Tanaka, Masanori; Kakimoto, Masaaki; Imai, Yoshio.     Makromolekulare Chemie, Rapid Communications  (1991),  12(8),  465-70.

Preparation and properties of aromatic polyamides from 2,2'-bibenzoic acid and aromatic diamines.      Liou, Guey Sheng; Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Kakimoto, Masa-Aki; Imai, Yoshio.      Journal of Polymer Science, Part A:  Polymer Chemistry  (1991),  29(7),  995-1000.

Synthesis of aromatic polyimides from N,N'-bis(trimethylsilyl)-substituted aromatic diamines and aromatic tetracarboxylic dianhydrides.      Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Kakimoto, Masaaki; Imai, Yoshio.     Macromolecules  (1991),  24(12),  3475-80.

Synthesis and characterization of new soluble aromatic polyimides from 3,4-bis(4-aminophenyl)-2,5-diphenylfuran and aromatic tetracarboxylic dianhydrides.      Jeong, Hwa Jin; Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Kakimoto, Masaaki; Imai, Yoshio.    Journal of Polymer Science, Part A:  Polymer Chemistry  (1991),  29(1),  39-43.

1990 (6+3)
Synthesis and characterization of novel aromatic polyamides from 3,4-bis(4-aminophenyl)-2,5-diphenylfuran and aromatic diacid chlorides.      Jeong, Hwa Jin; Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Kakimoto, Masaaki; Imai, Yoshio.       Journal of Polymer Science, Part A:  Polymer Chemistry  (1990),  28(12),  3293-301.

Mechanical properties of films of copolyimides based on tetraphenylthiophenediamine, aromatic diamines, and pyromellitic dianhydride.      Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Itoya, Kazuo; Kakimoto, Masaaki; Imai, Yoshio.        Kobunshi Ronbunshu  (1990),  47(4),  297-302.

Preparation and properties of new aromatic polyamides from 4,4'-diaminotriphenylamine and aromatic dicarboxylic acids.      Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Takado, Hiroko; Yoneyama, Masaru; Kakimoto, Masaaki; Imai, Yoshio.    Journal of Polymer Science, Part A:  Polymer Chemistry  (1990),  28(7),  1763-9.

Preparation and properties of polyarylates from 5-tert-butylisophthaloyl chloride and various bisphenols.      Yang, Chin Ping; Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Kakimoto, Masa Aki; Imai, Yoshio.       Journal of Polymer Science, Part A:  Polymer Chemistry  (1990),  28(6),  1353-9.

Dynamic mechanical properties of films of copolyimides based on semiflexible and rigid rod segments.      Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Itoya, Kazuo; Kakimoto, Masaaki; Imai, Yoshio.    Dep. Org. Polym. Mater.,  Tokyo Inst. Technol.,  Tokyo,  Japan.    Kobunshi Ronbunshu  (1990),  47(4),  353-5.  CODEN: KBRBA3  ISSN: 0386-2186.


*Organic solvent-soluble polyamides with high glass transition temperature.      Imai, Yoshio; Kakimoto, Masaaki; Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Takamichi, Hiroko.  (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan).    Jpn. Kokai Tokkyo Koho  (1990),     5 pp.  CODEN: JKXXAF  JP  02255723  A  19901016  Heisei.   Patent  written in Japanese.    Application: JP  89-76654  19890330.

*Preparation of aromatic polyimides.      Imai, Yoshio; Kakimoto, Masaaki; Oishi, Yoshiyuki.  (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan).    Jpn. Kokai Tokkyo Koho  (1990),     7 pp.  CODEN: JKXXAF  JP  02133426  A  19900522  Heisei.   Patent  written in Japanese.    Application: JP  88-285838  19881114.

*Preparation of aromatic polyamides.      Imai, Yoshio; Kakimoto, Masaaki; Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Sha, Birei.  (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan).    Jpn. Kokai Tokkyo Koho  (1990),     7 pp.  CODEN: JKXXAF  JP  02123132  A  19900510  Heisei.   Patent  written in Japanese.    Application: JP  88-274569  19881101.

1,1-Dianilino-2,2-diphenylethene and manufacture.      Imai, Yoshio; Kakimoto, Masaaki; Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Sha, Mirei.  (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan).    Jpn. Kokai Tokkyo Koho  (1990),     3 pp.  CODEN: JKXXAF  JP  02115149  A  19900427  Heisei.   Patent  written in Japanese.    Application: JP  88-267300  19881025.

1989 (10+1)
Synthesis and characterization of soluble aromatic polyimides containing tetraphenylthiophene units.      Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Kakimoto, Masaaki; Imai, Yoshio.   Editor(s): Feger, Claudius; Khojasteh, Mahmoud M.; McGrath, James E.    Polyimides:  Mater., Chem. Charact., Proc. Int. Conf. Polyimides, 3rd  (1989),  Meeting Date 1988,     139-50.

Preparation and properties of aromatic polyamides from 5-tert-butylisophthalic acid and various aromatic diamines.      Yang, Chin Ping; Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Kakimoto, Masaaki; Imai, Yoshio.   Journal of Polymer Science, Part A:  Polymer Chemistry  (1989),  27(12),  3895-901.

Preparation and properties of molecular composite films of block copolyimides based on rigid-rod and semiflexible segments.      Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Itoya, Kazuo; Kakimoto, Masaaki; Imai, Yoshio.     Polymer Journal (Tokyo, Japan)  (1989),  21(10),  771-80.

Preparation and properties of fluorine-containing aromatic polyamides from tetrafluorophthaloyl chlorides and aromatic diamines.      Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Harada, Shigeyuki; Kamimoto, Masaaki; Imai, Yoshio.       Journal of Polymer Science, Part A:  Polymer Chemistry  (1989),  27(10),  3393-403.

Synthesis and reactions of N-phenylated polyamine derived from, a ,
a '-dibromo-p-xylene and aniline.      Padmanaban, Munirathina; Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Kakimoto, Masaaki; Imai, Yoshio.      Polymer Journal (Tokyo, Japan)  (1989),  21(7),  577-83.

Preparation and properties of disiloxane-containing polyamides from 1,3-bis(3-aminopropyl)tetramethyldisiloxane and aromatic dicarboxylic acids.     Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Nakata, Shoichi; Kajiyama, Mikio; Kakimoto, Masaaki; Imai, Yoshio.    Polymer Journal (Tokyo, Japan)  (1989),  21(8),  661-4.

Synthesis and characterization of soluble aromatic polyamides and polyimides from 1,1-bis(4-aminophenyl)-2,2-diphenylethylene.      Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Xie, Mei Li; Kakimoto, Masaaki; Imai, Yoshio.     Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering  (1989),  60  757-61.

Novel synthetic methods for condensation polymers using silylated nucleophilic monomers.      Imai, Yoshio; Oishi, Yoshiyuki.      Progress in Polymer Science  (1989),  14(2),  173-93.

Preparation and properties of fluorine-containing polyarylates from tetrafluoroterephthaloyl chloride and bisphenols.      Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Harada, Shigeyuki; Kakimoto, Masaaki; Imai, Yoshio.    Journal of Polymer Science, Part A:  Polymer Chemistry  (1989),  27(4),  1425-8.

Polymerization of surface-active monomers.  III.  Polymer encapsulation of silica gel particles by aqueous polymerization of quaternary salt of dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate with lauryl bromide.      Nagai, Katsutoshi; Ohishi, Yoshiyuki; Ishiyama, Kadzuo; Kuramoto, Noriyuki.       Journal of Applied Polymer Science  (1989),  38(12),  2183-9.

*Preparation of aromatic polyamide-polyimides.      Imai, Yoshio; Kakimoto, Masaaki; Oishi, Yoshiyuki.  (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan).    Jpn. Kokai Tokkyo Koho  (1989),     4 pp.  CODEN: JKXXAF  JP  01123832  A  19890516  Heisei.   Patent  written in Japanese.    Application: JP  87-281979  19871110.

1988 (1)
Synthesis of aromatic polyamides from N,N'-bis(trimethylsilyl)-substituted aromatic diamines and aromatic diacid chlorides.      Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Kakimoto, Masaaki; Imai, Yoshio.    Macromolecules  (1988),  21(3),  547-50.

1987 (7)
Novel polycondensation methods with silylated nucleophiles.      Imai, Yoshio; Oishi, Yoshiyuki.      Sen'i Gakkaishi  (1987),  43(11),  P435-P441.

Synthesis and characterization of N-phenylated aromatic polyureas from N,N'-dichloroformyl-p-dianilinobenzene and N,N'-bistrimethylsilyl-diamines.      Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Padmanaban, Munirathina; Kakimoto, Masa-Aki; Imai, Yoshio.   Journal of Polymer Science, Part A:  Polymer Chemistry  (1987),  25(12),  3387-93.

Synthesis and characterization of N-phenylated aromatic polyureas from dianilino compounds and aromatic diisocyanates.      Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Kakimoto, Masaaki; Imai, Yoshio.   Journal of Polymer Science, Part A:  Polymer Chemistry  (1987),  25(8),  2185-93.

Synthesis and characterization of N-phenylated aromatic polyamides from N-silylated dianilino compounds and aromatic diacid chlorides.      Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Kakimoto, Masaaki; Imai, Yoshio.       Journal of Polymer Science, Part A:  Polymer Chemistry  (1987),  25(9),  2493-502.

Preparation and properties of fluorine-containing polyarylates from tetrafluoroisophthaloyl chloride and bisphenols.      Kakimoto, Masaaki; Harada, Shigeyuki; Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Imai, Yoshio.       Journal of Polymer Science, Part A:  Polymer Chemistry  (1987),  25(10),  2747-53.

Novel synthesis of high molecular weight aramids from N-silylated aromatic diamines and aromatic diacid chlorides.      Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Kakimoto, Masaaki; Imai, Yoshio.    Macromolecules  (1987),  20(3),  703-4.

Polymerization of surface-active monomers. II. Polymerization of quaternary alkyl salts of dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate with a different alkyl chain length.      Nagai, Katsutoshi; Ohishi, Yoshiyuki.      Journal of Polymer Science, Part A:  Polymer Chemistry  (1987),  25(1),  1-14.

1985 (2)
Synthesis of N-phenylated aromatic polyamides from silylated N,N'-diphenyl-p-phenylenediamine and aromatic diacid chlorides.      Kakimoto, Masaaki; Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Imai, Yoshio.       Makromolekulare Chemie, Rapid Communications  (1985),  6(8),  557-62.

Polymerization of surface-active monomers.  I.  Micellization and polymerization of higher alkyl salts of dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate.      Nagai, Katsutoshi; Ohishi, Yoshiyuki; Inaba, Hiroshi; Kudo, Shuichi.     Journal of Polymer Science, Polymer Chemistry Edition  (1985),  23(4),  1221-30.

1982 (1)
Synthesis of poly(aliphatic sulfides) by polycondensation of sodium sulfide with dibromoalkanes in the presence of quaternary onium salts.      Ueda, Mitsuru; Oishi, Yoshiyuki; Sakai, Naoyuki; Imai, Yoshio.    Macromolecules  (1982),  15(2),  248-51.
